Same Day Flower Delivery
When orderedbefore 2pm
One dozen of the most luxurious red roses. The luscious deep red colour of the roses is complemented perfectly with an array of gypsophila and seasonal foliage. A dozen red roses says more than 'I Love You', it says 'Be Mine Forever?'. A perfect romantic gesture, this elegant bouquet is expertly crafted.
Please note that the image shown is Standard price
One dozen of the most luxurious red roses. The luscious deep red colour of the roses is complemented perfectly with an array of gypsophila and seasonal foliage. A dozen red roses says more than 'I Love You', it says 'Be Mine Forever?'. A perfect romantic gesture, this elegant bouquet is expertly crafted.
Please note that the image shown is Standard price
3476 100.00 Rosa Florist